FAQs and
Studio Policies

Where do I buy classes and book my spot?

  • All of our pricing options - introductory offers, single classes, memberships, class packs, privates - are available for purchase on the Mindbody App. You can also contact us directly via email or Instagram DM for assistance with purchase via manual credit entry, cash, or banking apps if needed.

  • Booking your classes can also be done in the Mindbody app directly. If you experience issues with the software we are happy to complete booking manually
    for you!

Arriving To Class

  • Before taking your first class, please sign our liability waiver. It is emailed to you upon class registration, is linked in our Mindbody profile, or can be signed at check in if you arrive early for class.

  • When you arrive, head straight to the front desk to check in for class on the iPad, or with your instructor.

  • Admission to the studio begins 15 minutes before class, and no later than class start time. Late admission is at instructor discretion. Door is locked during class for safety purposes.

  • Upon entering, please remove your shoes and place them under or inside of the front benches or in back storage cabinets.

Preparing To Move

  • Socks are not required, but if you prefer to wear them, grip socks are on sale for $5. Please wear loose or stretchy clothing that you can move comfortably.

  • Please bring a water bottle - we have a fill station in our kitchen. Also available for purchase for $3.50.

  • Before heading to your Reformer, please make sure your phone is silenced and put away with your belongings. There is a no phone policy during class for your safety and all clients' shared experience. This includes: answering texts/emails, phone calls, and taking videos or photos - unless specified for a designated event or content partnership.

Special Conditions: Injuries, Pre or Post-Natal

  • Pilates instructors are not healthcare professionals and we recommend and insist you see your doctor or physical therapist before taking class while injured to clear you for fitness participation.

  • If you choose to move forward in participating, please arrive at least 5 minutes early to discuss your past or active injury with your instructor so they can plan modifications for you.

  • Pre and post-natal clients are welcome to take our Chill + Challenging Flow at their own discretion, though pre and post-natal modifications will not be offered specifically. 

  • Challenging Flow and Cardio Jump + Flow are not suitable for pre and post-natal clients unless you have the clearance of a healthcare professional for high impact movement and/or consistent deep core & pelvic floor activation for a period of up
    to 1 hour.

  • For Pre/Post-Natal privates or small groups, please contact us at coreculturepilates@gmail.com to work with one of our certified instructors. 

Cancelations, No Shows, or Late Fees

  • You can cancel a Group Reformer class reservation up until 4 hours before the start of class with no penalty and the class will be credited back to your account. Any cancellations within 4 hours of class start time will not be credited back to your account or refunded, though there is no additional penalty.

  • No-shows will incur a $10 fee. The same policy applies to clients booking via studio memberships.

  • Any Private Reformer cancellations within 8 hours of appointment start time will not be credited back to your account or refunded, there is an additional fee of $25. No-shows will incur a $80 fee.

  • Please email us with any extenuating circumstances and late cancel or no show will be taken under consideration on a case by case basis.

Returns & Refunds

  • Please see "Cancellation Policy" for account credit policies regarding cancellations. All individual classes, class packages, and memberships are non-refundable once purchased, though memberships may be paused or canceled in accordance with our membership policy.

Membership Cancelations and Pauses

  • Memberships require no monthly minimum, but client acknowledges and agrees to provide 15 days cancellation notice to Core Culture Pilates. If notice has not been provided 15 days prior to the next billing period, client will incur the full payment of the following month.

  • To pause a membership for any period of time due to travel, medical leave, or additional circumstances, please email us directly. We always want to accommodate our members!